Saturday, September 3, 2011


We woke up this morning to the sound of thunder and black clouds gathering in the west. At first it looked as though we might not get any rain as the clouds were headed north, but we didnt' get that lucky. It started raining at 9:30 and it hasn't stopped. It would have been a nice, soaking rain if we didn't have hay laying in the field. The good news is that it's supposed to clear up tonight and be beautiful for the next eight days- perfect drying weather!

I look forward to baling up really sh**ty hay later this week. The thing is, Peggy will love it. We give her the best, greenest hay and she won't eat it, but if we give her brown, lower quality hay she loves it. She's our white trash cow who would rather eat three-day-old convienence store hotdogs than a steak and lobster dinner.

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