Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Labor Day Weekend...

...Or week since I took the whole week off. I could really get used to not working and instead sleep in and putter around all day. Well, I could do it in the summer when I have things to keep me busy; if I didn't work in the winter I would just sit around and get fat.

We have had a busy couple of days- Saturday we didn't do much except watch 2+ inches of rain fall on our hay, but the weather turned around on Sunday and while it was cool it was perfect weather for drying clothes and wet hay. I spent some time in the garden, or what's left of it, and debated about whether or not to dig up the tomato plants and just be done with them. There are a few green tomatoes still on the vine so we'll see. I pulled out the corn stocks and gave them to the cows; if I had been more crafty I could have used them to create a fall-inspired something-or-other, but I didn't. I mowed the yard- and I mean the whole yard- we have about three acres of yard to mow, but because we have so many trees it takes a lot longer and the yard is usually mowed piece by piece. There are parts that don't get mowed very often, but I got it all done yesterday. I enjoy mowing more when I can wear shorts and a tank top and work on my tan but it's cooled down quite a bit and the winds have come. We always know when summer is over because the winds pick up and blow continually until next spring. The nights are cool and the sun isn't quite as warm.

Art raked the hay yesterday and said it will be ready to bale today. He told me that we would have it round-baled because he didn't want to waste his time square-baling really crappy rained-on hay. When he raked it yesterday he said it wasn't too bad- it didn't smell as fresh as it should, but the clover and alfalfa still had their leaves. Art said what saved us was that he hadn't raked it before it rained, so essentially it only rained on the one side. So I guess we're going to bale it later this afternoon. I hope it warms up so I can work on my tan- right now I'm in sweatpants and a sweatshirt. I even had to put socks on this morning! It certainly doesn't feel like Labor Day weekend weather and while I love autumn, I'm not ready for it.

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