Thursday, September 1, 2011

After carefully checking the weather yesterday Art cut hay- the third and final cut of the year. It was supposed to be beautiful for the next eight days with only a slight chance of rain on Saturday. This afternoon, however, the forecast changed and it rained- at least in Iowa City (Art wasn't home to know if rained or not in Tipton). Tomorrow night we are supposed to have wide-spread thunderstorms. Well, that's just great. I just don't understand how a weather forecast can change in less than 24 hours. Someone is sleeping on the job, I'm sure of it.

We're having summer's last hooray today- 98 degrees. By Sunday it's suppposed to be 71 degrees and I'm not ready. It's only the first of September- I'm not ready for lows in the forties until at least October. Summer came so late and I haven't had enough yet!

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