Tuesday, September 6, 2011

We Shall Call Him Killer

While I was mowing yesterday, I noticed Buddy running around the compost pile. When I saw him next he was trotting towards the house with something dead in his mouth. He dropped it when I got close and found that he had killed a rabbit. A baby rabbit, at that. Whenever Buddy chases after something (whether it be a cat, a bird, or a rabbit) we always joke that he wouldn't know what to do with it once he caught it. Well, he proved me wrong... kind of. He knew how to kill it, but I don't think he knew what to do with it after that, so he just carried it around and finally dropped it by the fence and went along his merry way. I wish he were a better killer and go after the moles and rats, but I'll take what I can get it. Honestly, I'm just glad to see he has some instincts.

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