Wednesday, July 20, 2011

More Adventures in Hay

You know what even more fun than baling hay in this temperature? Unloading hay in the temperature!! I know, you are all so jealous that I was sweating my ass off last night lifting fifty pound bales. Tell you what, we only unloaded one wagon so you can come over and unload the other wagon! It won't be as fun, though, as the 'heat dome' (that's what they are calling this heat wave) is moving on so it will be much cooler. About thirty degrees cooler, according to my thermometer.

This is the smaller of the two loads that we unloaded last night- about sixty bales.

And this is the larger load-170 bales that you are more than welcome to come and unload. We decided to unload the smaller because there is a possibility of rain tonight and we don't want the hay to get wet. The larger load fits nicely in the shop, so it can stay there until we get around to unloading it. Art just moves it out during the day and puts back in at night. We'll probably get to it sometime.

The clean field

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