Thursday, July 21, 2011


Before we started unloading hay last night, I spent some time in the garden. It's been dry and hot for the last few days that I actually had to water some plants- crazy, I know. My butternut squash is doing really well, but the pumpkins don't look great so I watered them and hopefully they will make a comeback. I also watered a couple of my tomato plants that were looking a little dry as well as the Brussels sprouts that I planted last weekend. I wasn't sure if I would be able to get them planted as the garden was full and the tiller was trapped behind a pile of barn beams that Art came home with a few weeks ago. But, since I harvested the garlic last weekend, I had a free row and in they went. Brussels sprouts are a late vegetable, anyway, so it isn't too late to get them in the ground. If all goes well I should have sprouts sometime in October and if it doesn't go well...well, Art won't have any sprouts for the winter (which is ok because I think cooked Brussels sprouts smell like something died under the 'heat dome').

I also got my first green pepper last night! The plants are doing fairly well- not a lot of blossoms yet, but I'm hoping with the cooler temperatures (eighties and low nineties) and some rain that the plants will start pumping out peppers.

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