Thursday, June 9, 2011

My Husband is Funny...

The main door we use to go in and out of the house is just off the kitchen. When I came home tonight and opened the door into the kitchen I smelled something subtle, but bad. I knew it couldn't have been the garbage as I had taken this morning so I kept trying to place the smell as I put the groceries away. I looked in the sink but the drains were clean; I looked in the microwave because I had made Art Brussel sprouts last night and thought maybe he left them in there. I think the Brussel sprouts smell like something that's died and that thought triggered the source of the smell. I checked the mouse trap under the sink and, sure enough, there was a dead mouse. Now this is not unusual, so I called Art and told him that there was another mouse under the sink and that he should come home immediately (it wasn't really an emergency, I just like to use any excuse to get him home before 7:00). He said, "Is that what smelled in the kitchen?" when I told him it was and that I had smelled it as soon as I walked in the door he said, "I smelled it this morning and thought there might be a mouse down there, but I didn't think to check."

I don't even understand this. He smelled the dead mouse this morning, assumed it was a dead mouse in the trap under the sink, and he didn't think to check it?

That he knew the source of the smell and didn't take care of but instead let it ripen all day makes me laugh because it's just something Art would do!

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