Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Oh, Canada!

This last weekend we drove over to Canada to visit Art's family and to attend the wedding of a friend of ours. We were really excited to meet our new niece, Annika, too. The weather wasn't bad, a little chilly for my taste (fifties) but at least it wasn't snowing! The wedding was a blast and we were able to see everyone. It's a long trip- 12 hours, but we took the Yaris and loved it. 40 miles to the gallon on average isn't too bad! Even though it's small, Art was very comfortable and was happy that I could share in the driving. In the past we would take his truck and I would refuse to drive it after a small incident of breaking wheels, tires, steering box and other parts that I don't even know occured a few years ago. Driving in Canada is kind of exciting, which is dumb to say because they drive exactly the same as in the US except you drive on 'lines' and 'concessions' instead of 'county roads'. We drove up Friday and came home Monday which makes for a short weekend, but we still had a great time.

Me and the cows

Art and Annika

I have a lot more pictures, but I'm at home and don't have the patience to upload them all, so I will try and do it at work tomorrow!

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