Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Templeton, Perhaps?

Can you guess the newest creature to call our barn home? Perhaps the size comparison to the smaller mouse trap will give you a hint... Art saw the rat a few days ago and I was disgusted. Yes, I live in the country. Yes, I live on a small farm surrounded by corn fields. No, I will not accept the fact that I have rats- yes, plural, because where there is one there are many (they're very social animals). The trick is how to get rid of it. We can't spread poison around because the chickens will eat it and die. We can't put glue traps out because the chickens will get stuck on them and probably die (plus I consider glue traps cruel and unusual punishment- just kill the thing, don't make it suffer). So the big rat trap it is- although we'll have to put it behind something so that the chickens don't trap themselves and die. This is NOT ok! We don't even have large amounts of corn that rats feed on- maybe a couple of buckets at a time for the cows. Why can't they go up the road where there's a mother-load of corn?! NOT ok...

1 comment:

lost in the triangle said...

RATZAPPER! we've got two locked and loaded at all times...have greatly reduced the indoor mouse and outdoor chipmunk populations. just google it--amazon sells them.

good luck!