Sunday, April 17, 2011

One Man's Junk...

Art and I drove up to Minneapolis this weekend, me to see my younger sister in a play and Art to go 'treasure hunting'. My cousin's fiance's grandfather has a farm about an hour north of the cities and it's full of...treasures. We took Art's pickup truck as well as his car trailer with the expectation that he would come home with...treasures. And treasures he did find. Here is one of the 1946 Chevy pickup trucks he bought. There wasn't room on the trailer for both, so Art will have to make a another trip up there to pick up the other truck as well as some other...treasures...he found (another pickup truck from the 70's and Ford something-or-other). I will give him credit, though, and say that it is a pretty neat truck. What's even better is that it's all there- engine, transmission, missing fenders and the broken headlight. The engine doesn't run, but that's ok because he is going to take the engine out of one of his (many) pickup trucks and put in this one.

He also came home with a 440 engine. Apparently this is quite an impressive engine, especially for muscle car enthusiasts.

1 comment:

Brianna said...
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