Sunday, April 3, 2011

It's Here! It's Really and Truely Here!

I mean it, Spring is actually here!! All sorts of things are sprouting- my iris and ditch lilies (you know, the orange flowers you see along every ditch in Iowa), the strawberries, rhubarb and garlic are coming up as well!




With spring comes change and, unfortunately for Peggy, her 'special friend' the bull has gone home. It was time as we are pretty sure he accomplished his purpose (to impregnate Peggy) and I was tired of feeding him when there was no prospect of eating him. Peggy has been bawling a lot, but mostly because she's hungry. She's very needy and impatient (and loud). Ray is still as cute as can be (when you're not looking at his distended eyes). He's so cute I might have to take a moment of silence before I cut into my steak. I can almost hear the gasps of horror as people read that, but rest assured he has at least another year of living high on the hog (so to speak) before he goes.

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