Saturday, April 2, 2011


I have really hard water. Sure I could get a water softener for our house (we actually had one when we moved it but had it taken out) but it's not good for me, so I deal with it. When I do laundry, I always use cold water because several sources say that the effect is the same as using hot water, plus I don't use as much energy. Yes, I'm all natural and all for the environment so I try not to crap on the earth too much. The last couple of months, I've had to change from using a powder laundry detergent to liquid because the powder wasn't dissolving. I assumed that it was because of our hard water and cold washes. Yesterday Art did a load of his clothes and discovered that the agitator wasn't working. Whatever belt runs it had almost disintegrated. He replaced it today and all is well. What this means, however, is that for the past two months (at least!) I haven't really been washing my clothes, only soaking them and then rinsing them. At least I didn't smell.

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