Friday, November 12, 2010

My First Love

I love to read. L-O-V-E it. It is second only to my love of really trashy reality television. Art will at once commend my reading, telling me how smart I am (as he doesn't even like to read magazine articles- he just looks at the pictures) and then condemn it as the house is full of piles (and boxes) of books. I do go the library most of the time, but I'm not a patient person and waiting for the library to get the new bestseller (which happens approximately nine months from the release date) and then to discover than I'm number 154 in line makes me insane. I've told Art for five years that all the piles and boxes of books would go away if he built me a wall to ceiling bookshelf in the upstairs guestroom, but he has yet to do it. Until he does, he really shouldn't complain.

For my birthday this year, I recieved a Kindle that, along with the gift card, will greatly reduce the accumulation of books. Art was happy to hear that because my little Kindle will hold, like, 20,000 books, and that's 20,000 less books that will end up in our home. He asked me how that would make a difference in the amount of books I already have, and I just told him to shut it and build me a bookcase.

I have decided that I am going to educate myself this winter so I have downloaded many (free) books- everything from "The Wizard of Oz" to St. Thomas More's "Utopia". I also have books on proper grammar and etiquette. I will be so well-read and gracious come spring! Just kidding. I'm pretty sure I won't understand much of what St. Thomas More is talking about, but I will enjoy curling up with Jane Austen along with some trashy romance novels thrown in for good measure. Perhaps instead of me becoming smarter, I'll just be a more well-rounded booklover.

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