Sunday, November 7, 2010


Last year Art made me a yard cart so that I can more easily do things, like bring stuff to the compost pile, cart firewood from the corn crib and just generally cart stuff around. I loved that cart; it hooked up on the back of the lawnmower and it was so handy. Until Art gave it to Josh. Why did he do this? you ask- to this day I still have no idea. So all summer long I have had to hand carry my produce to the house using five gallon pails or, worse, my roll-around 'wheely cool' cooler. It doesn't work very well as the wheels are meant for flat areas, like sidewalks, and it is certainly not all-terrain. I believe in making as few trips as possible so I will carry as much as I can, just so I don't have to go back. Some might call it laziness, I call it methodical.

Well, today being my birthday, Art gave me the best present ever: A new yard cart!!! It's much larger than the old one and, apparently, has the ability to 'dump'. I'm not sure what I would need to dump, but it's still a handy feature. Art said he got it at a very good price (read: Free), and although it isn't brand new, I love it just the same. I even used it to bring over a load of firewood and it worked wonderfully!

My new cart:
Which is far superior to my old cart:
Is it strange that my husband gave me a yard cart for my birthday? Is it stranger still that I loved it? Oh well, I'm happy.

I finished clearing out the garden today. I had thought I was done until I drove home today and noticed that I still had brussel sprouts in the garden. I had completely forgotten about them, but armed with my wheely cool (this was before Art gave me my cart) I loaded up all of the stocks, sat in the sun and de-sprouted them. I now have four big bags of sprouts (aptly labeled 'bag o' sprouts') in the freezer. My house, again, smells like boiled cabbage, and I'm hoping it will dissipate soon.

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