Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Welcome to the Future

It's finally happened- the 21st century has come to 175th Street! Yesterday people came and laid fiber optic cable from someplace near the road (could be the electric pole but, really, I have no idea) to the house. Do you know what this means?!? I can actually have high-speed Internet! No longer will I have to bring a book with me to the computer and read as I wait for a page to load; no longer will I be unable to check Facebook at home. I will be able to upload more than two pictures at once, and it won't take 45 minutes!

I haven't checked with Clarence (the nearby town whose telephone company put in the cable) about prices, but I did ask Art how much he was willing to spend for high-speed Internet. He said, "$9.95", which is what we spend for dial-up Internet. I told him it would be more expensive than that and he began to waffle about actually getting it.

For years I have been cursing President Obama, who promised me and rural America that we would have a faster connection to the World Wide Web. It took three years, but better late than never!

1 comment:

Allison said...

Umm...I think you mean "welcome to the 20th century." :)

Also - I'm in that part of rural America that benefited from Obama's plan to bring high speed internet to the middle of no where. However, our "delightful" governor has decided to take it away. YAY!