Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Weekend in Review

It was another full weekend- I meant to post earlier, but life got in the way.

Saturday I cleaned the house, top to bottom, as it was gross. Not dirty (well, kind of dirty), but we are dog sitting for some friends (you'll remember Nesmhe- she's the really smart one) and it's amazing how much dog hair two dogs can shed throughout a house. I spent the morning vaccuming, cleaning bathrooms and dusting (which is strange because I only dust when people are coming over, but I was in the zone). Saturday afternoon was the memorial for Paul. It was a beautiful tribute; there were several posters with pictures of Paul as a kid, teenager and with his own kids. There was an absolutely wonderful slide show that brought back so many memories. Many people came to support us, many of whom I hadn't seen in years. While it was wonderful to catch up and to hear some hilarious stories of Paul, the reason we were all gathered together was never far from our minds.

Sunday started out early (7:00!) as Nesmhe needed to go outside (for as smart as she is, she hasn't quite grasped the concept of the dog door). I picked the sweet corn, sat on the porch, and shucked just over five dozen ears of sweet corn. I blanched the ears, cut off the kernels and froze them for later. Most of the ears were full- better than the first picking we had! I just may grow more next year...

The rest of the garden is coming along; the green pepper plants look great, but they aren't producing much. I think they are too close to the tomatoes and aren't getting enough sun or nutrients or something. The tomatoes are also doing well- I haven't had too many ripen yet, but there's a bunch out there! I don't know that I will be able to make salsa this year, but we've been going through ketchup like crazy and I like the stewed tomatoes for chili, so there won't be any waste. I picked the rest of the onions and I'm still closely watching the damn pumpkins/butternut squash.

Sunday afternoon was taken up with the Kitty drama (see previous post) and dinner and a movie with girlfriends. Before I knew it, the weekend was over and it was time to go back to work!

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