Sunday, June 5, 2011


Summer is officially here; I know this for two reasons- none of my doors or cupboards will close and Art has cut the hay field. I picked more mustard both Saturday and Sunday but was glad when Art started cutting the field because that means I could stop. I have some reaction to the mustard as I'm sporting a very attractive mottled hive look all over my body along with some weird blisters on my arms and chest. It's not itchy so I'm thankful for that. I'm also thankful that mustard pulling is done for the season!

It was sunny and warm this weekend which I love and I have a sunburn to prove it. I put on sunscreen, but I sweat a lot (it's a Wagner thing) so it doesn't last long. But I'll risk skin cancer just to be outside in the heat. I did take a couple breaks, though, as walking through four-foot high grass picking mustard is tough. One of things Art and I love most about our place is the huge number of birds that live in our many trees and we can watch them from the comfort of our porch. In the last few weeks we have spotted a few bluejays and a couple of pairs of cardinals. Today we saw our first pair of goldfinches eating out of the feeder!

I also worked a little in the garden, pulling a few weeds and putting the cages around the tomato plants. Everything is coming up in the garden and doing very well (so far!). I even found a few strawberries that were ripe! In the next few days I will have to start picking them everyday. I won't be making any jam (or as it turned out, sauce) but I will freeze them instead. I still have more jars of strawberry jam/sauce than I know what to do with, but having them frozen will be nice when I feel like making a pie in December.

Other than that, not much happened this weekend other than the usual- weeding, mowing, laundry, etc. that always makes the weekend go by too fast. I could use just one more day...of course I could say I need just one more day all the way until October.

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