Wednesday, March 16, 2011

My Hero

Last night as I was driving home from a friend's house in Iowa City, I had my first ever almost flat tire. I say 'almost' because it wasn't actually flat, but it could have been. I was driving down the interstate when all of the sudden I could hear a 'thump thump thump' noise coming from my back tire. I immediately pulled over (one of my worst fears is that someday my tire will explode and I will careen uncontrollably down the interstate hitting every vehicle after vehicle until my car finally rolls several times into oncoming traffic) and called Art. He told me to 'limp it' to the next exit, park and try to see if I can find out where the noise is coming from while he finished eating. I pulled off the interstate into a parking lot and walked around my car, examining the tires. It was then I discovered a 1/2 inch bolt stuck in the back tire and leaking air. I called Art back and he said he would be there soon with the proper tools. I would like to mention that I do know how to change a tire, have even done a few times, but always with power tools. I can't get enough force behind those stupid tire irons to unscrew the bolts and I'm afraid I wouldn't screw them back on tight enough and my wheel would fall off going 65 mph down interstate 80. Art came and saved the day- it took him less than five minutes to change the tire.

This is why I married a mechanic.

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