Monday, March 14, 2011

Jungle Fever

A couple of years ago when I decided to paint our upstairs hallway, I decided I wanted it green. I picked out what I thought was a nice green but it turned out to be the color of toothpaste. The next green I tried was a little bright, but I just kept painting thinking I would like it better when I could see the full effect. When I did get the full effect, however, the color looked more like a 'jungle green' crayon and while Art loved it, I did not. With Emily and Joey here this weekend and Art being gone all day at an auction, I thought it was a perfect time to re-paint. I still had a gallon left over from when I painted the dining room and I loved that shade of green so I just went with that. It turned out very nice- much more subtle than the jungle green. I was a little concerned that Art would be unhappy as he was a big fan of it plus the fact that I purposely didn't tell him my plans. I figured if he came home and found it all painted, he might not be so upset because it's already done and I can't remember the name of the other color so I can't change it back. The hardest part was the wall over the stairs- Art had to paint it for me last time because he's taller, but I didn't think if I left it and he came home and hated the color, that he would be willing to finish it for me. So Emily held on to Joey's belt and he daringly leaned over the banaster to finish the wall.

All of the secrecy and worry were unnecessary as Art liked it a lot. I think he misses the jungle green a little, but he'll get over it.



1 comment:

Keri Speidel said...

LOVE the green!