Sunday, February 27, 2011

New Appliances (Well, New to Us)

Some friends of ours are renovating their kitchen and bought new appliances to go in it. They happened to mention it to Art, who called me to see if I were interested, as he knew how much I wanted a new refrigerator. Not that there was anything wrong with ours, but I really, really wanted a bottom freezer and that happened to be exactly what they were getting rid of. I also knew they had a glass top stove and asked if they were interested in selling that as well. I have been begging Art for years to somehow electrocute our stove- it's the style with the metal rings that if you spill something under the burner, the next time you cook anything it smells terribly. Apparently it's very difficult to electrocute a stove (or so Art tells me). We ended up buying both and we are so happy. Art loves the fact that he no longer has to bend over to get in the fridge and I love that the stove is now so easy to clean.

The old set:

The new set:

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