Thursday, April 3, 2014

Babies. Big, Scared Babies

As most of you know Buddy is afraid of everything- loud noises, sudden movements, spray bottles, strangers, wind, and (most of all) thunder and lightening.  The other night there were two (yes, TWO) flashes of lightning and the accompanied thunder. Two claps. TWO. Buddy immediately started trembling and cowered in the corner. What we didn't expect was that Lizzie would also be afraid of thunder and lightning. She isn't afraid of anything- gun shots don't bother her, she laughs in the faces of strangers, doesn't give a poop about wind, spray bottles, or any loud or abrupt noise (of which there are many in Art's shop where she spends all of her time). So we were flabbergasted when she started trembling and made a dash for the bathroom.  We found her in the shower where Buddy joined her shortly thereafter.

We turned the exhaust fan on to mask anymore thunder that may sound (it didn't. Seriously, there were just the two claps of thunder) and left them in the shower. When they came out the shower was filthy but they were more or less calm.

Art is so disappointed. He said, "We already have one baby; I expected more from Lizzie."

Last night we awoke to one, maybe two, rolls of thunder. Buddy cowered in the corner and Lizzie hid in the closet. This is our life.

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