Thursday, June 5, 2014

My Husband the Race Car Driver

A few months ago I bought Art a Groupon for a racing experience at the Iowa Speedway and last weekend we finally used it. He had a blast! He started out by taking an hour long training session with a retired race car driver who explained how the various harnesses and safety equipment worked as well as what to expect on the track.  Art decided to add on a three lap ride-along with a driver so that he could get a feel of the track; he said he didn't want to waste four of his eight laps getting accustomed to the speed and the track. Once he finished that he got into his designated car (sponsored by M&M's- I thought it was cute but Art wished it were a bit more manly) and off he went!

They don't have speedometers in the cars so he didn't know exactly what his top speed was, but he is guessing around 130mph. Hopefully soon I will try and post the video we have of him driving.

Art had a great time and only wished it lasted longer- eight laps doesn't take that long to do at 130 mph. But he did say he can now cross that off his bucket list!

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