Thursday, November 7, 2013

Miss Lizzie

I will start off by apologizing for the poor picture quality; This is taken with my phone (which is not a Smart phone) because Art took the camera and left it in his truck (which truck, I do not know) and has yet to bring it back.  I will try and post better pictures in the future.

This is Lizzie, our newest addition to the menagerie!  Her actual name is Elizabeth, but that's a lot of syllables and not exactly a good pet name so we shortened it to Lizzie (they must have someone at the animal shelter who prefers human-type names to pet names. They have cats there named things like 'Marcia', 'Brian', 'Glenn', and 'Ashley'). Lizzie is around 5 or 6 years old and she was found dumped in the park.  She's been at the shelter since August 2012. Art and I hadn't planned on getting another dog but I had been watching her on for months and we decided to go and meet her to see if she would be a good fit.  She didn't 'present' well (that's what the shelter called it) when we approached her kennel she was barking aggressively, but once we went in the kennel with her or took her outside she warmed up.  She and Buddy got along fine in that they didn't take much notice of each other besides sniffing butts from time to time, so we took her home. It took a day or two but she has really warmed up and turned out to be a very sweet, playful and funny dog. Buddy doesn't seem to feel left out or neglected (which we did worry about). The hardest part has been having to take her out to go to the bathroom.  Having Lizzie made us realize how very easy Buddy is; when he has to go to the bathroom he just goes out the dog door and never strays from the yard. I mean, I have no idea what time of day Buddy does his business.  I've been able to teach Lizzie how to go through the dog door but she has yet to grasp why she should go through the dog door so we're working on that.  She only had one accident in the house and that was on the first day we brought her home.  Last night was the first night we let her sleep in our room with us on her dog bed and she woke me up at 6:10 to go outside (5 minutes before my alarm was supposed to go off so we'll have to work on that, too). 

She's very sweet and we already love her. Why someone would dump her (or any pet for that matter) we have no idea, but we're glad we have her!

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