Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Can You Say "Lazy"?

I came home on Friday evening and was puttering around the kitchen when Art came in from work.  We were chatting as Art was washing his hands and noticed that Buddy was staring intently at the hutch where we keep our plates and things.  Before we thought much of it Buddy walked away and proceeded to go lay on the couch.  Art wondered what he had been looking at and I told him it was probably nothing, but Art got down on his hands and knees to look under the hutch. This is what he saw (please excuse my dusty floor):

That, folks, is a ground hog.

It can be assumed that it wandered through the dog door, up the steps, and under the hutch where it was just hanging out, not bothering a thing.

We opened the outside door, closed the door from the kitchen to the rest of the house, and barricaded the door way to the dining room so that when we shooed the ground hog out it only had one way to go.  Buddy was standing behind me watching the scene unfold with slight interest- not because there was a groundhog but because Art and were doing something and that interests him sometimes.

So out the ground hog went where Art "took care" of it; at which point Buddy went downstairs to hide under the steps.

I've always joked that Buddy is entirely lazy and a little bit dumb.  I used it as more of a term of endearment than complaint but now I can say, in all seriousness, the Buddy is completely and utterly useless.  What dog will kill a baby mourning dove but let a full grown ground hog come into its home and hang out in the kitchen? 

My dog, that's who.

1 comment:

lost in the triangle said...

i am late to this party but am absolutely cracking up now. and i love that you took the time to document the groundhog first! *sigh*, BUDDY.