Wednesday, September 7, 2011

The third and final cut of the season is finished! We baled the final cut of hay this afternoon and got two wagon loads (about 130-ish) of pretty good hay. I suppose we'll unload it tomorrow sometime; that's the part I hate most about hay- unloading it. I can only hope that Art didn't make them too heavy.

I spent this morning at my mom's house weeding her flower garden. I know, I know- I hate weeding- but it's not my garden and it's flowers, not vegetables so I don't have to be as exact. If I accidentally pull out a flower, it's not going to affect her ability to eat. My mom's arthritis and herniated disc has gotten the better of her in the last couple of months so she hasn't been able to weed it and asked if I knew of anyone she could hire to do it for her. Since I had this week off I offered to go do it for her for the price of a diet Sunkist. She ended up being off today, so she was helpful by telling me which plants were weeds and which were flowers since I had no idea and some of the prettiest flowers were weeds. I ended up pulling a very large pile- about five feet high and five feet wide- of weeds. Her front flower garden is pretty extensive and I wasn't able to finish it as my allergies kicked in, but I made a good dent in it. My arms and legs are aching, but it's good for me.

Once I finished that I headed home and baled the hay. Now I'm looking forward to a quiet evening on the couch as I have some gardening of my own to do tomorrow and (hopefully not) unloading hay.

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