Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Socially Disadvantaged

You might think this post is about minorities living in substandard housing. Or maybe about the millions of people who are illiterate. But it's not. It's about me.

Art went to the FSA office (I'm not sure what that stands for) to apply for our yearly government check. Because we don't plant corn or soy bean crops on our seven acres the government gives us money. Today the ladies in the office happened to look at who was listed as owners of our property and, seeing my name, explained that we will get a little more money this year because I am "socially disadvantaged". I asked Art what this meant and he said he didn't know because he didn't ask. On a side note, Art is always uncomfortable going to the FSA office because all the women there love him. I mean L-O-V-E him. They get so excited to see him and fawn all over him, which is why he didn't ask any more questions than he had to.

I looked it up and because I am a woman living on a farm, I am disadvantaged as I fall into the same group as minorities- we are discriminated against and, therefore, deserve an extra $30 for our plight.

Look it up, it's true!

1 comment:

H3 said...

So, is this the same as being "special" or "gifted"?