Monday, May 9, 2011


Fifteen Rhode Island Red hens have slowly disappeared over the last two months. At first the missing chickens went unnoticed as there had been nineteen hens, which ended up being about fifteen eggs per day. As their numbers progressively diminished, the egg-per-day ratio dropped dramatically, causing their owners to seek out the culprit(s). While an opossum and two raccoons have been...taken care of...there is another raccoon suspect as paw prints are evident around the property. Another animal is suspect as well, as the neighbor has sighted on several occasions a red fox in the general area. Only the rooster and four hens remain; one of those hens is old and is no longer laying, further decreasing the eggs-per-day ratio.

Traps have been procured from experienced trappers and will be set in the hopes of taking down the chicken annhilators. The owners request any information that might be helpful in catching these cold blooded killers and a reward of jellies, butters or applesauces will be given for any information that leads to the apprehension of these suspects.

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