Friday, May 20, 2011

Judgment Day...?

There has been quite a lot of talk about the end of days that will be happening tomorrow. I can't get enough of this- I think it's so ridiculous and I love every minute of it. If you have been living in a cave, the story is that tomorrow (Saturday) we will experience a world-wide earthquake when Jesus will come down, take away his faithful (anywhere between 144,000 to 500,000, depending on which report you go by) leaving the rest of us down here until October 21st when we will be judged. During the next five months, those who are still living here will experience plagues, natural disasters (a.k.a. "Acts of God", coincidence? I think not.) and fires.

Last night we had a friend come over and set traps as we have a big raccoon problem. Apparently we have two or three hollow trees that entire families of raccoons are living in. We also have a small rat problem and they have gotten more brave and are starting to eat not just the insulation in the chicken coop, but the eggs as well. Poison and live traps have done little to reduce the problem. My question is this- could my problem with raccoons and rats be the beginning of a plague? Could the beginning of the End of Days be starting at my house?!

Just something to consider on our final day (well, not my final day as I'm not sure I fit into that elite group of people heading up to Heaven tomorrow)!

1 comment:

Allison said...

Oh my god. We totally have a plague of unfolded laundry. I didn't even realize the significance!