Saturday, November 20, 2010

Home Fires

My job is to keep them burning since I am the best firestarter around (well, around my house). Even Art admits I'm better at starting fires than he is, which is pretty amazing since I never did get whatever badge is given for being able to start a fire at Girl Scout camp. It does help that I get to use those little firestarter packets (not allowed in the Girl Scouts) and that my wood is dry, instead of having to use whatever can be found (which was usually green and prevented me from getting my badge). Last year I was forced to use our ridiculous two wheeled wheelbarrow (it was here when we moved in; we never would have bought such a stupid piece of poop) to cart wood from the corncrib to the house. But thanks to my handy-dandy-heavy-duty yard cart, I can just drive it to the house.
I don't believe in making two trips when one will do the job (again, it's not laziness, it's productivity) and that is why I brought in such a large amount of wood. This will last all weekend and then some!

1 comment:

Allison said...

As a former Girl Scout employee (and leader) - Girl Scouts aren't allowed anywhere near fires's a safety violation. In fact, I don't think they're even allowed to say the word "fire" as it is too scary for the organization. So you didn't miss out on much. (And GSUSA wonders why so many Girl Scouts defect for the Boy Scout program that now allows girls...and allows them to shoot guns, and climb rocks, and eek! get close to, and even be the source of, fire).