Thursday, August 29, 2013

Fun With Leftover Spray Paint

I bought seven different colors of spray paint when I painted our propane tank and I had six colors of spray paint leftover when I finished.  I had no idea what I would do with bright, pastel spray paint but I couldn't just throw them away... I had an inspiration this weekend while sitting on our porch looking at my plant stands:
I bought them at a Hobby Lobby-like store when we lived in Florida and they're a little bit battered and a little big ugly. I have used them nonetheless but I have always wished they were prettier.
 Voila! See what fun you can have with spray paint? They are now bright and colorful and what's better is that I used up four cans of paint!
 Once I got started I couldn't stop; I kept looking for things I could 'freshen' up.  Art bought this chair at an auction shortly after we moved into our house. He thought it would be nice to have a chair to sit on in the kitchen. Nevermind that no one ever sits in our kitchen and that the chair is hideous. I wasn't sure how Rust-o-leum paint, typically used on metal, would work on vinyl but I figured the chair couldn't look any worse.

I ended using up another can of spray paint so now I only have one can (the blue) left over and festive plant holders and a lovely chair to show for it!

Thursday, August 8, 2013

An Uninvited Guest

There has been a cat running around the place for the last several days.  Having learned our lesson from the ground hog incident, we've been keeping the dog door blocked to keep unwanted critters out (especially at night).  We still leave it open during the day but we put Buddy downstairs and close the door to the rest of the house so if, by chance, something else decides to come in it can only access the basement.  Well, yesterday I apparently didn't close the door to the basement very well because this is who greeted me when I got home:

She is very sweet but extremely needy.  For all the love and attention I gave her (plus a slice of deli ham) she pooped on my kitchen floor. I don't consider this an appropriate show of appreciation.

She is now living at one of our neighbors...I only hope she's really stupid and won't figure out how to get back to our place.  Needless to say, the dog door will remain shut for the time being until we figure out another system.  Like taking Buddy out at regular times like 90% of other dog owners.