Thursday, August 29, 2013

Fun With Leftover Spray Paint

I bought seven different colors of spray paint when I painted our propane tank and I had six colors of spray paint leftover when I finished.  I had no idea what I would do with bright, pastel spray paint but I couldn't just throw them away... I had an inspiration this weekend while sitting on our porch looking at my plant stands:
I bought them at a Hobby Lobby-like store when we lived in Florida and they're a little bit battered and a little big ugly. I have used them nonetheless but I have always wished they were prettier.
 Voila! See what fun you can have with spray paint? They are now bright and colorful and what's better is that I used up four cans of paint!
 Once I got started I couldn't stop; I kept looking for things I could 'freshen' up.  Art bought this chair at an auction shortly after we moved into our house. He thought it would be nice to have a chair to sit on in the kitchen. Nevermind that no one ever sits in our kitchen and that the chair is hideous. I wasn't sure how Rust-o-leum paint, typically used on metal, would work on vinyl but I figured the chair couldn't look any worse.

I ended using up another can of spray paint so now I only have one can (the blue) left over and festive plant holders and a lovely chair to show for it!

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