Thursday, November 7, 2013

Minty Freshness

Living in the country has some disadvantages, the worst being mice.  Every Fall they come in the house leaving their little poops everywhere. It doesn't seem to matter how many traps we put out, there are always poops in my kitchen drawers. I am constantly cleaning out my drawers but I get tired of cleaning my silverware before I use it so I searched the Internet for help.  Some pages suggested putting De-con (poison) in the drawers...well that seemed like a bad idea because I'm putting the contents of the drawer in my mouth or using it to make food that will eventually be in my mouth.  Another page suggested putting mouse traps in the drawer, but 1) it would take some coordination to put a mouse trap in the drawer without it snapping shut before I get the drawer closed and 2) if it did catch a mouse then I have a dead mouse in my silverware drawer and that's super gross. I finally found an idea that wasn't stupid or required me to touch dead things- peppermint sachets.  I bought some tulle at a craft store ($2.00), some yarn on clearance ($2.00), and some dried mint leaves at the grocery store ($4.00).  It took about ten minutes to make 25 sachets and I put two in every drawer in my kitchen. I also gave some to Art because he has mice living in his tool box drawers. He's been putting poison in the drawers (but that can take up to a week to work) and wanted to try the mint. Why he doesn't just take the drawer of mice out and dump them somewhere else, I don't know. He did say it's kinda cute to open the drawer and see their faces staring up at him.  Sometimes I'm not sure that we have anything in common... 

The sachets worked for about three weeks, but eventually the mint smell faded and I'm back to finding mouse poop in my silverware drawer. I tied the sachets with a bow so it would be easy to re-fill them, I just have to do it.

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