Thursday, January 24, 2013

Bathroom Update

A couple of years ago we remodeled our downstairs bathroom and while the upstairs bathroom didn't need any remodeling, it definitely needed updating. This past weekend Art (with my moral support) installed a new vanity and light while I changed the shower curtain.  Art really liked the old shower curtain, but it was Mickey Mouse theme and I thought we should have something a little more grown up.
Old sink- we hated the two faucet set-up.  I could never get warm water for longer than five seconds before it was scalding and then I would go back and forth from scalding hot water to the cold water. Super dumb.

Mickey Mouse and Friends shower curtain

New sink (more storage!) and light

Grown up shower curtain
We LOVE our 'new' bathroom! For days afterward we would go upstairs just to look at it!

1 comment:

lost in the triangle said...

it looks beautiful! our last house in houston (2000-2002) had the two faucet thing as well--while i have fond memories of the house, i remember hating that set-up as well. enjoy!